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Malaysian Palm Oil Association

The Beginning

In 1999, a rationalisation exercise of the various associations, advisory bodies, and councils of the plantation industry saw the birth of a single umbrella entity - the government supported Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA). In its wake, three large plantation sector organisations, namely the Rubber Growers Association (RGA, in operation since 1968), the United Planting Association of Malaysia (UPAM, since 1897), the Malaysian Oil Palm Growers Council (MOPGC, since 1968) have been dissolved. MPOA has been tasked with the important function of balancing the needs and interests of the various sectors for synergy and development of the plantation industry as a whole. Though a crop specific body that will focus on oil palm, MPOA will also serve the interests of other plantation crops such as rubber, cocoa, tea and non-crop issues relating to land, labour, trade and pricing. As an integrated single, powerful voice, MPOA is expected to represent the complex needs of the plantation industry more effectively particularly now that the economy is being rapidly globalised.

Mission & Objectives

MPOA's mission is to ensure the long term profitability and growth of the Malaysian palm oil industry and other plantation crops including oil palm, rubber, coconut, sugar cane, cocoa, tea, banana, and pineapple. To ensure MPOA achieves this mission, objectives consistent with its endeavour have been drawn up. These are to:
  • Act as the single united voice of the Malaysian oil palm and other plantation tree crop industry.
  • Represent oil palm and other plantation crop interests to government, various statutory bodies, stakeholders and external parties.
  • Promote the future growth and profitability of the industry.
  • Support members by providing specific support services.
  • Provide representation for the industry at both the domestic and international levels.

Role & Function

  • Provide representation for the industry at both the domestic and international levels.
  • Lobby the special interests and needs of the industry.
  • Provide long term strategic thinking and direction.
  • Shape R & D policies and priorities.
  • Support national marketing and promotion efforts
  • Disseminate industry-relevant information to members

Priority Issues

There are a host of issues and challenges facing the industry. High on the agenda are escalating costs, growing complexity of commercial competition and the increasing need to focus on R&D. At the micro level, MPOA has specifically targeted the following as priority issues:
  • Labour shortage
  • Yield improvement
  • Labour relations
  • Wages and benefits
  • Mechanization
  • Pricing
  • R&D
  • Pest Control
  • Production Cost
  • Plantation Security
  • Environment concerns
  • Member of the RSPO
  • Marketing and Promotion including branding strategies
  • Land Matters
  • Taxation, cess and duty structure
  • Shipping terms

Membership & Fees

Membership in MPOA is open to all individuals and corporate bodies involved in plantation tree crop agriculture. Any crop managed as a plantation will be considered for inclusion by the Council when and where apropriate. Any individual or company which owns or manages plantation in Malaysia with minimum 40 hectares or above are qualified to become a member of MPOA.