tructure & Organisation
MPOA functions to serve and focus on priority issues and concerns of members. It is governed by a Constitution approved by the Registrar of Societies.
The Council is the main policy and decision making body. It consists of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 13 ordinary members. The Council is responsible for
- Control of monies and financial policies
- Election of principle office bearers
- Debates and discussions on policy recommendations
- Evaluation of all decisions in relation to mission and industry-wide strategy
Standing Committees
There are 3 Main Committees: Stakeholders’ Affairs (government and plantation owners), Sustainability, Research & Development and Policy Impacts, and Promotion, Market Intelligence & Analytics. Each of these Committees have their own working committees which are organized around key issues.
Their main functions are:
- Undertake in-depth studies on specific issues of interest
- Develop policy recommendations to Council
- Respond to requests from members on specific issues
The Main Committee for
Stakeholders’ Affairs (government and plantation owners) is primarily responsible for:
- Reviewing federal or state laws and regulations
- Preparing and lobbying papers or proposals for presentation to federal and state legislative and regulatory bodies
- Assisting National Economic Council on the economic impacts of foreign workers

Sustainability, Research & Development Main Committee is primarily responsible for:
- Maintaining close relationship and representing industry views on statutory research body
- Facilitating sharing of technical knowledge and experience among members
- Guiding and supporting industry R&D efforts through active monitoring of innovation spectrum and market watch

Promotion, Market Intelligence & Analytics Main Committee is primarily responsible for:
- Maintaining close relationship and representing industry views on MPOPC
- Developing promotional initiatives to enhance marketing and image of Malaysian palm oil and other commodities

The Secretariat
The day-to-day affairs of MPOA are managed by a professional secretariat located at UOA Business Park in Subang, Selangor. The Secretariat consists of a Chief Executive, 3 Directors/Managers, 5 executives and 3 support staffs. The Secretariat of MPOA serves to execute approved policies by developing clear action plans and time line for resolutions